babyzombie. Bandung Indonesia based clothing, Printing each piece ourselves and seizing the opportunity to produce something both meaningful and creative. With a positive work ethic and an undying sense of ambition, we are always pushing and moving forward to make a name and leave our mark. We are here to prove that hard work and passion can go hand in hand and still pay off.
for those of you too young or too uncool to have been skating in the eighties, this is a rip-off of the classic slime balls logo done by jim phillips who inspired me ever since I first saw his work at the local skateshop. This is a tribute, I bow to the man and all credits for the illustration go to him.
a layout for waiting for tomorrow, a concept and idea from 2012 eris, planets and skylines. the artwork taken from image stock from the internet mix and blended together wit a secret recipes.
this is the first poster i have made. i dont know nothing about kerning and tracking lol just make easy for the first time. it makes my experience ++ although it was a bad poster :)
work normal play very hard is a gig name, a skatepunk gig name., with 3 bands from malaysia skatanix, skunkfix and carbon 4 teen. pushead artwork into a vector, and wave.
hola, the new blog is finished, and its about time, i'll be able to update this one frequently wit news, photo and drawing. and here is for the opening some nostalgic story from the past street art. i was a 10th grader when do that thing. it was a furious thing when we are about hide and run with cops.this is the first work at cikokol underpass at 2005.
a random art by noskills x revolt x aha its time to learn how to make a good graffiti and the first is the trying session :P and say hello to team! a night with losbak after a day with modernland skate crew! a second time in cikokol underpass after our first work erased by another team,next work at cipondoh in front sman 10 tangerang (2006).its a noskills x revolt!. that time is the first time we use spray paints caps. super skinny rules.
and this is the result after 3 hours nonstop spraying paint to the wall and my another workz
hey, the new blog is finished, and its about time, i'll be able to update this one frequently wit photo and drawing. my name is kooks
grew up in eastern tangerang, is 20 years old, and currently studying design in UIEU.
i do work with you who granted me amount of freedom.
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